
NEW UPDATE 3:53 PM June-1-13

Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!

Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!

The Adventures of Walrus Island: Editing, 70,211 words, 146 pages.

Monday, July 26, 2010

After living through another hectic day I finally found some time to sit down at my computer and enjoy life. I found (on another random hunt on the Web) a fantastic photo editing workshop where all the fancy pictures that you have on your camera can be done up into your dream picture. Here is an example of one of my fine pieces of art. 

If you want to go to this site then just enter here. It is completely free and you only have to go through a quick sign up to get in. 

~Son of the King~ 


Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

Nice picture! I really like the contrast, although perhaps you could use a really dark/really light colour for the words "Exodus 15:11", they're a bit hard to see.


Free Giftcards NOW said...

Thanks Squeaks!