
NEW UPDATE 3:53 PM June-1-13

Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!

Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!

The Adventures of Walrus Island: Editing, 70,211 words, 146 pages.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Halafax, the trip.

Well as a lot of you know I, and my mother and sister, are heading off to Halifax for a T.K.D competition. I am going to be keeping a log of what I am doing there here, so that you will know what is up. I may not be able to get the info onto this page right away, but sooner or later it will be shown. I am going to inform you about almost everything, including what we eat, and all of the good stuff. I am leaving on Wednesday, so that is the 12-10 of January. I hope you will understand what I am trying to cram into this blog, there may be a few spelling errors, but who cares. Enjoy!

First leg of the trip...
Well, the flight from Kelowna to Vancouver was great except for the occasional turbulence. I am sitting in the YVR right now and am waiting for three hours for our next plane to come. Since my mom and dad are talking to someone I plan to watch Iron Man for the rest of the wait. 

In the air all night...
Well, we are on our plane to Quebec; I have settled into my seat next to my dad by the window. I have finished writing a chapter of my book, so I am happy. I plan to stay up for the entire trip, or 24 hours. Although I am having fun on the plane I miss being on the ground. I will talk to you later!

12:00 post...
I am listening to music right now to drowned out the snores of a noisy passenger behind me, I have a vid clip but I don’t think that it is worth putting up now, maybe later after the trip is done I will be able to inform you about the movies. Anyway, dad is sleeping so I took his Iphone and played a few games on it. I am still awake and have barely closed my eyes because I am too excited. 

Landed, at last...
Phew, at last we have landed. I am jet lagged, if that is what you call it. I am on my last plane to Nova Scotia and I can’t wait to get there. Dad sat next to me on this flight, so we had a great time. Anyway I gtg. 

End of the day, or start of the next...

Well, at last the day is over. After picking up our bags and renting a car we headed for our hotel. Because we needed food we quickly made a stop at Costco and got some necessary stuff. I am tired, but even though mom and dad and Alex had naps I could not settle myself down. So after irritating mom and dad, I persuaded them to go shopping. After that we went out looking for a good sea food restaurant. When we had found one we ate a large yet considerably cheep meal that included lobster, scallops, shrimp, and all of the good stuff. When we had filled our stomachs we left for the hotel, which is where we are now. I have to go to sleep, because I have been up for 24hrs and have to compete in TKD in three days. CYA

Start of the next day...
It is finally Friday, we, my parents and sis and I, had breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Although the porridge was not the best we gulped it down in hope that the taste would soon go away. We plan to go to Peggie's Cove and have lunch there, I will tell you more about it after. TTFN 

Well, we visited the cove, it was so great to go back there. Although it was about three years ago that we went there for the first time I still remembered it like the back of my hand. Here is a vid so you can see what it was like....ohh, goodness, I can not get it up!!! Sorry about that. Anyway after visiting the cove we went to a small fish shop and bought like 9 smoked fillets of an amazing type of fish and one lobster. I am going to get my ID for the TKD comp. CYA

Saturday, the day before the competition...
Well, it is the day before I am competing so I am going to do little today. I plan to watch my friends compete and mentally for my fight. I am going to weigh in soon. Bye. 

Well, the weigh in went well, I was like .1 of a kilo above the bottom of my category so that was great. My fight went ok, I lost, but since it was my first year in A division I think I did well. I am tired and am going out to eat now. I am excited to go home. BYE 

Last leg of the trip...
We are on our first plane now, I am playing games on my dads phone and just chewing time so that the flight to Toronto will not seem so long. I am going to take a small nap, or I think I will take a nap. I have to go and do other stuff now. TTFN

Back in Vernon...
The trip has ended. After taking two more flights we finally arrived back in my home land. I cant wait to get home and see everything. I have to put my comp away now so I guess that means that it is the end of the trip. BYE. 

1 comment:

Jessica Derkson said...

Wow, that is sooo cool. I have always wanted to go to Halifax but your story is almost like going there!