
NEW UPDATE 3:53 PM June-1-13

Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!

Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!

The Adventures of Walrus Island: Editing, 70,211 words, 146 pages.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, my dad and I are making our way to edmonton, it has been a total show ever since we left the house, people have tired to ram us (but they didnt notice), dad and I have a natural high, and phew the truck stinks!! Anyway dad and I are making a special route so we can drop off a few B.C veggies and pick up a fifteen ton generator, I will tell you about it later. So as we are making a stinking trip down I decide to watch a few movies (If you read my profile than you will know what I was watching)the first one that I watched was well you know what it is, and the second was some sort of indiana jones last crusade. My dad did a unexpected yet fun detour, we made our way through the ice fields, I was gona show you a few pictures but the thing is soo slow. Anyway when we arrived in edmonton it was ten or so, so my dad and I decided to head right to his parents place instead of stopping off at the cousins house. When we arrived at the quaint little house my dad and I fuled up and hit the bed's. I must admith that my Gram makes some good food. When we woke up the next day we were welcomed with the fresh sent of ommlets, and something else, we soon found out, and I will not tell you what it is (I will tell you some other time) So after we unpacked some two tons of fruit and veggies we left to go see the relatives and deliver produce to them (when we were delivering things around we got the name the Delivery peoples, even my little cousin said it!)When we had finished there we found out that the truck had some sort of brake problem and we had to drop it off at some ford dealership and were rudly supprised that they would not do the truck because they thought the job was too tough, so we took it to another place and got a good answer. After they did our vehicle we went out to eat with a man who was selling us the generator thigie. When we finaly reached our resting place we were plumb tired,I guess all the stress got into us. Any when we woke up we understood that we were going out to the gramparents farm to weed the rows (if anyone of you dont understand that you have to become a farmer) So we broke our backs doing work all day than headed home. Our grampa bought icecream at some rundown old store (it was some of the best that I have tasted in a long time). After enjoying that we showerd and hit the beds again. By the last half day that we were there we visited our aunt elaine, and uncle derick, they have a log home just like us so we wanted to see it befor we left. After having lunch at there place we hit the road with grams and gramps. After and long drive and several movies we reached home and again hit the bed.  


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