
NEW UPDATE 3:53 PM June-1-13

Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!

Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!

The Adventures of Walrus Island: Editing, 70,211 words, 146 pages.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A sudden halt :(

Well, if you have been following me on Nanowrimo you will probably have noticed that I have not expanded my word count for at least a week. Unfortunately, because of schooling and receding thoughts for my book I have decided to take a bit of time off, but don't worry, it should be finished by the end of this year...still a bit of time left. Another thing that you may want to know is if I will be publishing this book and the answer is most likely. I plan to finish off four books then sell them with a month spread. So, I have not quit writing altogether I am just refreshing my writing thoughts and soon (hopefully) I will be back on the road speeding toward 50k. 

~Son of the King~


child of God said...

Hmm, hard task master cracks whip and bellows, "Get to work young SOTK!"


Free Giftcards NOW said...

@ Child of God,

Young SOTK? You should have respect for your elders! *suddenly realizes he is younger* Uhoh, Um, sorry Mom. :S

~Son of the King~
(Currently halted at 33,666 words in ITML)

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

*snickers* (that seems to be a favourite word of mine lately lol!)

Well, just focus on what you have to focus on and when the time comes to write, you'll write :) Like me lolz!

*shouts* AND NOOO MOM! NO GARLIC MUFFINS!!! PLEAAAASE DON'T TORTURE US IN THAT MANNER!!! *cries* then realizes mom is looking at cookie section *mmm* garlic cookies?? jk *snickers*

*slaps SOTK on back* hah!


Icewolf said...

*~le gasp~ YOU'RE GETTING A BOOK PUBLISHED?! *wowed* Anything with garlic tastes good, I always said.

Free Giftcards NOW said...

@ Squeaks,


@ Icewolf,

I am not 100% sure if I will get it published, but I have high hopes. Like I said, don't expect it to be out any time soon, I still have to finish three more books. :)

~Son of the King~

child of God said...

Soooo ooookkk then how about....mushroom/tomato muffins? Hmm? Sound better Squeaks?

*walks away with an sinister laughter*

Huggles sweet kids,

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

*gasp* You'd what?? *faints from fear of mushrooms and tomatoes*

Belief said...

I would much rather keep vegatables (and garlic, I'm not sure if garlics a vegatable.) out of my muffins and cookies, thanks.

@ Son of the King:
What publisher is it you have in mind?

Free Giftcards NOW said...

@ Belief,

Well, I am not exactly sure yet I will have to do some searching (if I am blessed enough to get it looked at). But yeah, if things go along well I am hoping to get at least one book out next year (If I don't end up following my original plan of writing them all then selling) :)

~Son of the King~
(Quite tired from skiing and all the other mayhem around here)