NEW UPDATE 3:53 PM June-1-13
Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!
Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!
Into the Mystic Lands (stands at): 46,321 words, 184.16 pages!!!
Into the Mystic Lands: The Eastern Sea Revolt (stands at) --6,851 words, 27.4 pages!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas 2009
Well, I guess that all things work together for good, but I am unsure of that right now, as I am sitting here in the doctors lounge a night befor Christmas I think that a ton of things are going wrong. Although there have been a few good things hapening like being able to watch the third episode of StarWars there are also many downs such as having to watch balarenias dancing. I am upset right now because of being stuck in the hospital but also because our Grandpa died a few days ago. He was shopping in a store when he fell and hit his head. Although many people urged him to go to the hospital he refused and picked up his grocries and drove to his appartment. When he had decided to take a nap he did not realise that he was going into acoma. A while later he whent to the hospital under pleeding from his wife. He found out that he had broken his skull and now was bleading into his brain. Just a few days ago we heard that he had died. I am extremely upset and am tired from all of the death that is hapening. I am not used to a ton of pain, just a few days ago someone else that I knew died, I am praying that God will have mercy on me and that he will spare me from more pain.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gizmo's and Gadgets
As you probably know from the title this is going to be about new technology and the latest stuff around. Recently I got a new Ipod, it is the fifth generation and it totaly rocks. I think although it is cool and the vid cam is somewhat fun I dont need all the extras. When you go out looking for a car you look for one that will drive you from point A to point B. Not a car that will go zoomin around town with some annoying lady saying "turn left or else you are going to starve, the is a Mic-Dogfood over there turn left." Althoug it can be helpful you dont need it. Another thing is, I dont even understand what all the stuff, for example, the U-tunes is. I must admit that I am happy for it but I would rather have a horse, or something that lives. Technology somewhat baffles me, such as when I got my laptop it was telling me all these directions on how to start up all the stuf and get it working, when they say on the front cover of the box "Easy downlode" you have to hire some person that has taken about like ten classes with a profesinal on computer technology "Exception for my sis" and has aced the claces. I love my comp and it is fun to look at new stuf but I prefer to stay on the simple side of things when it comes to that. Another thing that baffles me is how people can get used to switching over from email to email daily ex.. Gmail one day and Hotmail the next. I just dont understand it, once I get used to something it is like welding me to it, and it only breaks when it gets too old. Anyway I have been stuck on skype for three years than my mom and sis sorta made me get MSN, the differences between Skype and MSN is huge, ex... the way you can message and the things you can do. So I decide to bring this all up to a halt because one the telephone is ringing on my comp and two well I am instant messaging some one.LoL (check that out, I even know a few things) :)<><
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cramped, that is what it is!
Well you can probably tell from the heading that I am an unhappy person now. Anyway the trip started off with a hustle and a bustle and a little bit of fussle, haha. So we got on the road at about ten and headed toward Vancouver. As we were driving along Alex and mom were pestering me about what had to be done in school, and about where the cows were that dad wanted to pick up. I was completing the English book thing and got to about eleven chapters, I think the first book in the book is called "in the beginning" and the second is called "Transformation". I am excited to complete the book and get on with the other work. Oh by the way there is another exciting thing that happened in school, in a Math test I was given a mark of 47/50 or something close to that, and in a English test I got another great mark that was something like a ninety some. Anyway we stopped at Kamloops and went into timmies and got turkey bacon club sandwiches with and tractor tire and a drink. Alex was acting weird in a way that she was pretending to have this kitty that's name was fluffy or something along the lines of that, and she was dressing it up in a huge scarf and made it look like a dress. When we hit the road again I went back to slaving at my work, mom and Alex thought that I was up to no good but the only thing that I was doing was putting my screen saver on again and again because the mouse was bumping all the time so it made it blablabla you know the rest. Anyway when we were halfway through the mountains my legs started to cramp real bad that is when I stuck my foot in the front of the truck and got mom and Alex mad. When we arrived in Whatcom we got snacks, filled the truck and emptied something else LOL. Now we are at our Hotel on our comps. We had a great big mess up with the internet in our room so it took a bit to get it going again but it is now faithfully working like a charm. I am going to get supper then head to TKD for a few hours of training, I will be back at ten thirty ish and will tell how everything else went. CYA
Hey, I am back, Training went well we trained on cardio and other strenuous stuff. Anyway I have to get going.
Hey, today was great. Mom Alex and I are resting and getting ready for the TKD thing. I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing now but I have to go soon. Mom Alex and I went to red robin to eat burgers, they were good! Anyway I will report later tonight.
Hey I am back again, training went well, we did not do a lot of work but it still was good. I am watching TV now; it is something on trench war. Mom Alex and I are eating junk food and enjoying ourselves. I have to go so I can wake up early CYA.
Hey, today was the TKD competition. It ran horrible, the people who put it on sort of mixed up the entire schedule and took an extra three hours to get the color belts to do their poomsey! The great thing through is that I got to rest for about five hours before I fought. Anyway I got the "BY" in my fight so I only had to have like two fights, although I only got one because I lost the first fight. Anyway after the fight my had hurt real badly so after I got my meddle I went to the hospital and got it x-rayed. It turned out that the knuckle had popped off and broke. So the radiologist said it was a boxer’s fraction. They put my hand in a cast and I can’t really do anything but I can type because the fraction only causes pain when I move my finger up. Anyway I have to go into the doctor on Monday to get it re x-rayed and have surgery so I can have a pin put in :(. Anyway I will tell you more after I visit the doctor, CYA
Phew, my knuckle is broken but I don’t have to have sugary. I was a little upset when I heard the news but I guess that all things work for the better. Anyway I can’t wait for youth on Friday. I hope I can go, because it would be great to see everyone. Anyway I have to go. By.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
School School School
Well you can guess what this is going to be about, yup, school. Today I planned to follow a tight schedule and it is working out well so far, so I plan to keep it up. Anyway I woke up at seven this morning and had a great long shower, than I had breakfast, Alex gave me a great idea of making an egg layer in the pan, adding cheese and finally laying a wrap over it all in the pan. The egg attaches itself to the wrap and then you flip it upside right and you get a eggy wrap, haha and eggy wrap! So I started school off with a whippen of math, I am learning how to create some type of equation that has to do something with dodums, and whachamacallits. So now my mind is bogged down with stuff that has no meaning in life. The next subject that I did was English, it turned out that I had to do a novel study on a book of my choice. I was dumb and chose a book with thirty four chapters and some six hundred pages in it. Anyway I am on chapter three and am already tired of the entire process. The book was written by Bryan Davis and it is called The Eye of the Oracle. If you haven’t read it you have to. It is about dragons and watchers, and you know all the beasts that were created at the beginning of the world, and not to mention it talks about human pyromaniacs that enjoy lighting themselves on fire with the flick of the wrist type thing. I think I have to go now; mom wants to take me for a run so I can get these fatty legs back into shape. TTFN (if I don’t talk later you will know that I am somewhere on the side of the road having seizures).
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday snap
Well today started off pretty weird. I did not notice that the daylight saving time went back an hour. So I woke up at eight and thought that it was nine because my clock is not the brightest. I was going meaning to wake up at seven and make pancakes for Alex but as I told you the clock messed me up.:) When I got upstairs I was told by my mom that the time was back an hour (I was greatly relieved). After getting ready for town I decided to do a breakfast fast. Yesterday I had thought about doing a fast all day but I guess that the stomach is stronger that the mind. Anyway on the way into town we didn’t talk much but we did strike the topic of taekwondo. My mom wants me to compete in the competition but I haven’t decided yet. Anyway church was good I guess that the kids had fun with the story Jale and the nail. Haha I had almost forgot that bible story. So when we finally headed home mom and Alex and I struck up a weird topic. I think that it was something about how fun it would be to have some sixteen siblings nine boys and nine girls, and how we would form a army with the horses and all the boys would march on the neighbours houses and scare them with paintball guns (the people beside us probably wouldn’t know the difference between a paintball gun and an AK-47 Haha. After we had finished the conversation and the package of food that we picked we had finally reached home. After having another short lunch we decided to go for a walk up the mountain with prince. We had a fantastic time up in the cold mountain air with all the dogs. When we got back down I finished the work that I had to do and I now am here up in the loft watching a movie with Alex, I think that it is called Heide:P I protested against watching it but I guess Alex won. Haha well I am excited to go to bible study. TTFN
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ever since two years ago I have been interested in photography, I have a few pictures that I think would do well. Some people that I know (I am not telling who)think that they could be published. The first one was taken when my dad and I were driving down to Edmonton.I my self think that it is a first class winner. I got the shade from the winsheld to cause the blue pasty colour. The only thing that I think that did not go well in it was the blurry trees. But aside from that I like it alot. I had the idea to take a photo shoot of the mountain when my dad pointed it out and said that it would be the ideal picture, and I could possible frame it and put it in the basement hall.
This picture is the same one as the one above, except for the different angle it was taken at. My dad and I had hours and hours talking about that mountain, we thought it would be fun to try to drive up it in moms truck (Mom is verry posessive of it) so we got a good laugh out of it. But I think that the way the Solid piece of rock is totaly cool.
I also think that this is a cool picture because how many people will risk burning out there eyes when they are trying to find the correct position to angle there cammera at. I took the picture just outside of our house on some cloudy day so it gave it a good effect with the dark and light.
This is a picture of our dog shinzou, he is an a full breed akita that we picked up somewhere (or nowhere) out in the boonies. I thought that it would be a good picture because you dont always get a great facial expression like that from a dog. I got the picture at the nick-of-time when he was coming up the front steps of our house. When I first downloded it onto my computer I thought that it would be a reject, but I changed that arround quickly by buffing it up a bit with my new picture house.
unfortunately the parents would not allow the wedding to take place because they are, well to put it into easy words he is a different type of four legged vertebrae. My sister was heart broken (Just kidding) but she liked the picture anyway.
This picture is the same one as the one above, except for the different angle it was taken at. My dad and I had hours and hours talking about that mountain, we thought it would be fun to try to drive up it in moms truck (Mom is verry posessive of it) so we got a good laugh out of it. But I think that the way the Solid piece of rock is totaly cool.
I also think that this is a cool picture because how many people will risk burning out there eyes when they are trying to find the correct position to angle there cammera at. I took the picture just outside of our house on some cloudy day so it gave it a good effect with the dark and light.
I think that these pictures are cool, what do you think? Anyway how can I expect you to answer back when you are not even online! Haha, but any way I think that you should expect a few more pictures later on, if you want me to take a photo of something for you that is around the Vernon/Vancouver area just give me an email at But other than pictures I enjoy doing a great amount of stuff including ""School"" ;), horseback riding, taekwondo, and a tone of other farm activates. Well I think that I will write a bit more a little later. TTFN
Friday, October 30, 2009
Stress and school
Phew, as the day goes on I guess the stress gets bigger. I am about to do an english test over something like poetry. I must admit that it is not the best thing to do when you are stressed out. So I decided to wright for a bit. As you have heard it has been snowing out her alot, we had about two inches yesterday so I decided to hit the ground and do some skiing, but today is different, instead of there being snow, there is thick mud. It is nasty, everytime that I step there is a thick squishing sound, and your foot gets stuck in it. I cant wait till there is enough snow to board on. But with the ammount that there was yesterday it was only enough for skiing. Oh did I tell you that I found the skii boots, well I guess I just did now, but they help, and I have to tell you that they are better than rubber boots that are locked into the skiis, because when you do that you must be ready to visit the hospital, or have a few hundred cold packs ready to roll. Since I have the skii boots though I dont have to worry about it. Well it looks like I will have to talk later, I have my english test to complete now. TTFN
Ah, I am back from the english essay. I dont think I did verry well, but I am gald it is over. Any way there were a few questions that I had to complete that were tricky, like onomatopoeia, and assonance, you know things like that. Any way it was hard. Right now I am deciding what to have for lunch, it is either turky that has been sitting in the freazer for like a month, or a egg sandwhich, I cant tell, I wonder, rotten meat, or a fresh egger. Well I guess I will decide the final result when I am off the computer. TTFN
Ah, I am back from the english essay. I dont think I did verry well, but I am gald it is over. Any way there were a few questions that I had to complete that were tricky, like onomatopoeia, and assonance, you know things like that. Any way it was hard. Right now I am deciding what to have for lunch, it is either turky that has been sitting in the freazer for like a month, or a egg sandwhich, I cant tell, I wonder, rotten meat, or a fresh egger. Well I guess I will decide the final result when I am off the computer. TTFN
Well, my dad and I are making our way to edmonton, it has been a total show ever since we left the house, people have tired to ram us (but they didnt notice), dad and I have a natural high, and phew the truck stinks!! Anyway dad and I are making a special route so we can drop off a few B.C veggies and pick up a fifteen ton generator, I will tell you about it later. So as we are making a stinking trip down I decide to watch a few movies (If you read my profile than you will know what I was watching)the first one that I watched was well you know what it is, and the second was some sort of indiana jones last crusade. My dad did a unexpected yet fun detour, we made our way through the ice fields, I was gona show you a few pictures but the thing is soo slow. Anyway when we arrived in edmonton it was ten or so, so my dad and I decided to head right to his parents place instead of stopping off at the cousins house. When we arrived at the quaint little house my dad and I fuled up and hit the bed's. I must admith that my Gram makes some good food. When we woke up the next day we were welcomed with the fresh sent of ommlets, and something else, we soon found out, and I will not tell you what it is (I will tell you some other time) So after we unpacked some two tons of fruit and veggies we left to go see the relatives and deliver produce to them (when we were delivering things around we got the name the Delivery peoples, even my little cousin said it!)When we had finished there we found out that the truck had some sort of brake problem and we had to drop it off at some ford dealership and were rudly supprised that they would not do the truck because they thought the job was too tough, so we took it to another place and got a good answer. After they did our vehicle we went out to eat with a man who was selling us the generator thigie. When we finaly reached our resting place we were plumb tired,I guess all the stress got into us. Any when we woke up we understood that we were going out to the gramparents farm to weed the rows (if anyone of you dont understand that you have to become a farmer) So we broke our backs doing work all day than headed home. Our grampa bought icecream at some rundown old store (it was some of the best that I have tasted in a long time). After enjoying that we showerd and hit the beds again. By the last half day that we were there we visited our aunt elaine, and uncle derick, they have a log home just like us so we wanted to see it befor we left. After having lunch at there place we hit the road with grams and gramps. After and long drive and several movies we reached home and again hit the bed.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Well I got some neet stuff to tell you guys, just this week I had a vision of some cat running across the road, I thought that it was some type of boring and dumb thought untill it came real. When we reached the next bend in the road I saw a cat running across the road, sounds like something I have heard about before. Any way I think that God is trying to tell me something I dont fully understand. But when it happend again in a different circumstance I had to seek some advice, so you know were I went, God of course he is the only person who would know what to do. I think that He has a plan for me in my future that I dont already know. Because most of you know me pretty well I think that you could give me some feed back.
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